My First Post

Hello,… My name is Tiffany. Of course this is not my real name, it’s fake, but Iam so happy to be called fany, I don’t know exactly why. Yeah, Tiffany is my favourite singer in SNSD, but, I just love her name, so I use it everywhere. XD. Fanny unnie, is it ok, isn’t it? *smile

Iam a college student of final year of one of prestigious major of an prestigious university in Indonesia and I am very proud. But, it is still not very comfortable to use my own name and university, because, this blog will contain of everything random about my thinking and my hobby. Maybe right now I can post something about my beloved group, MBLAQ or SNSD, but later sometimes I maybe post about my thinking about world, my college, my lesson, and everything like that, I just want to randomly post everything that I love to share with people. So, there will be any disappointment about “hyaa,.. she is a college student of blablabla in that major bla bla ba, why her post is nothing academic?” OK, maybe I am just delusional.. Well, Shortly, I decided to not included my name or my college name, because it’s risky ( you know, people’s perception towards others is so scary, and you know something that when you have to find job laters, they will google about you?? ) Well, yeah, Iam just being comfortable with myself,.. XD

The reason why I make this blog is just to share my thoughts and opinion. I love to write, you know, I have diary too, but, sometimes, you wanna share your thoughts with people, or just seeing your blog in internet just make you comfortable or excited in someway. XD. I just hope my skill in writing can improve. XD.

Hmm,… iam 90-lines, and just like another teen (OK, Iam not teen anymore, or maybe young lady?), I love what people call Kpop right now. Even though I am in my final year of my study, I am still normal young lady who loves trends, music, and lifestyle. Shortly, My favourite groups are MBLAQ and SNSD, that’s why I named this blog this way. “So why you just insert Tiffany, not SNSD?” It’s not like I just love Tiffany, it’s not like that. I just love her name, and insert SNSD wil make this blog’s name too crowded and complicated. I also didn’t insert Mir’s name (my bias in MBLAQ), so I think it’s pretty fair,.. (o_O). Oh, I adore Mir so much. >,<

Well, enough for today. I am just in my learning phase of blogging, so I will take time to travel around this site. I also don’t know why I write in English, I just being random. I come from Indonesia, so there’s many possibility I’ll write in Indonesia. It’s not like I’ll write in English forever, as I told you, Iam just being random. XD.



Oh, it is really not good to leave without post a pic of my lovable groups. I am still in phase of learning, but just check if I made it right this time.

Aigoo,.. Actually, I am not in my own computer (my university’s,  TT_TT), so I don’t know why I can’t use “right-click” in this PC (my lovely computer is in under recovery right now*sobs), so I just posted image that’s existed in my flashdisk. Hmm,.. at least I learn how to post images. XD

TA DA!! Handsome, right? Kyaa,.. I can spend all day just to stare of Mir’s image. >,<

I have to go right now, a class you know, it is about a game simulation (cool, right? XD). If I have a good thinking later, I’ll tell you a bit about what I know about game simulation.

I have to go right now, or I’ll be late. Bbyong!!!! ^^




8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Hanggar PS
    Mar 27, 2012 @ 15:56:20

    Nice foto kawan minta comen di artikel sini dunk kawan tentang wisata impian ini


  2. Jung Saera
    Apr 25, 2012 @ 01:18:09

    Tiffmiir!! saya berkunjuuung….wkwkwkwkwk. howah, nice post, nice writing.


    • tiffanymireu
      Apr 25, 2012 @ 04:59:57

      huaaaa,…. chingu @jung saera,..
      gomawo telah mampir XD,..
      tapi aku belum tulis2 apa2,..

      aku pasti tulis sesuatu XD, aaccckkk,… anyhow, gomawooo,,… *malublognyakosongmelompong XD


  3. Karlinapsp
    May 23, 2012 @ 11:23:50

    Annyeong, karlina imnida , A+ ^^
    Aku sering baca komen kakak dimana-mana lho hehe ^^ (di bibir ssong juga ada #plak) aku tertarik (?) aja pengen kenalan sama kakak, boleh ya ? *sodorin mir* abis kakak kalo komen lucu-lucu sih, jadi pengen kenalan :p


    • tiffanymireu
      May 23, 2012 @ 12:47:16

      makasiiihhh udah mampir kesini dan komen,.. aigooo,… ^^
      kyaaaa,… aku ada dibibir ssong? #plak,..
      yuk kenalan, twitter-nya apa? twitter aku @fanymirblaq, mention kalau mau follback, kekeke ^^. fighting!!


  4. Larasss1199
    Aug 10, 2012 @ 16:51:16

    Annyeong!! Laras imnida~ [SONE] 99 line 😀
    unnie cuma punya twitter ya? sayang banget..twitterku udah dihapus -_-
    rada bingung ma twitter *ga gaul*
    tapi aku ngefans sama unnie karena menurutku unnie itu salah satu dari sedikit (?) readers yg komen positif di artikel manapun 🙂
    soalnya aku sebagai SONE sering banget baca komen negatif di artikel SoShi TT


    • tiffanymireu
      Aug 16, 2012 @ 19:52:10

      kekekekekekekekek,… jadi malu, aku kan cuma suka iseng komen, dibilang ngefans segala xD
      IYAAAAA,… UNNIES tu aku kasian banget, selaluuuu adaaa aja diomongin miring sana sin, kalo menurutku, orang2 cuma salah persepsi sejak awal terhadap si unnies,.. aigoooooo,…
      tapi, ya, meski banyak komentar miring, buktinya mereka tetep survive, jadi nation GB dan terkenal serta populer skala worlwide. Mereka membuat kita mendengarkan musik yg berkualiats, mereka cantik personaliti oke, jadi yaaa,.. lama2 komen2 itu pasti hilang sendiri kan? AMIIIINNN


  5. taeminuna
    Jun 26, 2013 @ 05:07:58

    Hai, kakaknya Taemin disini.
    Suka banget baca komen kamu di Yeppopo mengenai uri MBLAQ.
    Rajin2 share tentang MBLAQ yaaa ..


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